Monday, August 6, 2012

Skin Firming Cream - A Few Secrets That Have Been Kept From You

We all love to keep our skin glowing and youthful. But with age when it loses its firmness, it starts showing visible signs of aging and cause a certain element of mental stress to anybody. It's quite natural as we all love to stay young and look beautiful. That's where skin firming products come in. Skin firming creams are very popular in the market for its fast results and convenience.

However, we ought to realize that everybody does not have the same skin. And that everybody does not go through the same internal and external conditions. So when somebody you know tell you that a particular skin firming cream worked good for them, most people tend to buy that particular product without giving it any further thought. What you should do instead is, have a thorough look at the ingredients at the back of the label and see if it suites you

Most skin firming cream in the market has fancy packaging, millions spent on advertising and a beautiful celebrity appearing on the cover. What we forget to realize is that what they're selling is hope and not a powerful solution for an average person to come out of wrinkles.

So the first step is to understand that ingredients play the most important role in the scenario. Alright lets say you had a good look at the ingredients at the back of the label. But how do you know what you need? The solution is to understand the reasons behind skin aging.

The main reasons are skin's inability to maintain the production of collagen & elastin (i.e two skin proteins), less hyaluronic acid in your skin and skin cell oxidation by free radicals. So the skin firming cream you buy should be able to provide you solutions for these 3 problems.

Most skin firming cream labels states that it contains collagen as an ingredient. What an average consumer would not understand is that cosmetic collagen molecules are too big in size to be absorbed by skin cells. You need to be careful here and buy a cream which has ingredients which will stimulate skin cells to produce more collagen within itself.

The duty of hyaluronic acid is to make the collagen & elastin fiber sticky. When there's not enough hyaluronic acid, the collagen & elastin fiber becomes less sticky which will make your skin look older. Further more, it can cause those annoying under-eye dark circles which you despite! Only solution is to find a skin firming cream which will stop the hyaluronidase enzyme from breaking down the hyaluronic acid.

Finally, your skin firming cream needs to include a powerful antioxidant which will penetrate several layers into the skin so that free radical damage would not occur at cellular level.

Now you have a pretty good idea on what to look for when you go shopping for a skin firming cream. Now you don't have to join those unhappy and unsatisfied customers who feel cheated for the money they spend on their skin care products.

Click Here to Download [] the Anti aging Manifesto and discover which are the natural skin care creams and tips that I use on a daily basis to keep my body and skin young and in perfect health with no side effects at all. Get the best anti aging creams []